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The index finger, middle finger or the ring finger. The serial number of the terminal is im portant to activate the software and to liaise with zksoftware in support issues. Gps system tracking device tk102 manual high school ffef3043lsk manual puch maxi manual online zoom h4n manual deutsch analogman king of tone v4 manual dexterity. The world famous linux system ensures stable and reliable network transmission. Theyll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that todays audiences expect. When you enroll a management card or deleteenroll a user including in the external keyboard. Almacena hasta 1500 huellas digitales internamente. There is one cd in its package,and we can find all zk models user manual in its cd. Back 485a 485b 485a 485b rs485 converter press the tamper switch three times after the alarm being triggered 30 seconds but no more than 60 seconds. The airbus a330 study guide is comprehensive in its coverage of the cockpit and systems.
F707708 access control terminal user guide about this guide. Facial recognition, fingerprint, rfid andor passwor 8 pages. Since founded in 1985, the independent intellectual property rights of biological recognition technology are the core of zksoftware, and constantly promote the enterprise time attendance and safety. Tcpip network entry attendance access control board panel. This software is designed to efficiently help you through an initial ground school. Zksoftware pagina 2 instrucciones operativas procedimientos operativos recomendados 1. Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Fingerprint reader with durable and highly accurate zk optical sensor 1 touch asecond user recognition stores 1,500 templates, 10,000 cards and 30,000 transactions. Full text of catalog of copyright entries 1960 books and. Ma300 fingerprint controller x1 cd x1include english manual,software. The ma300 features the fastest commercialbased fingerprint matching algorithm and zk high performance, high image quality optical fingerprint sensor. Easily share your publications and get them in front of issuus.
The ma300 features the fastest commercialbased fingerprint matching algorithm and zk highperformance, highimage quality optical fingerprint. Ip65 rated builtin serial and ethernet ports sensor builtin wiegand inputoutput ports less than 1 second user recognition stores 1500 templates and 30,000 transactions builtin usb port allows for manual. Zkteco usa provides the most comprehensive security product line including access control, biometrics, metal detectors, turnstiles, xray baggage scanners, visitor managment, and more. Zksoftware u160 fingerprint time attendance rfid card. They are perfect for recurrent training, simulator. Zkteco manufactures a wide variety of integrated entrance control systems including, turnstiles, walkthrough metal detectors, xray baggage scanners, parking controls, and visitor management. After setting the parameters, click connect to check the connection. The serial number is pasted on the back of the terminal but in case the sticker is dam aged, this is where you can retrieve. In 1985, zkteco previously zksoftware began research and development on a revolutionary biometric algorithm.
This website uses cookies to store information on your device,cookies can enhance your user experience and help our website work normally. So,it will be difficult for you to find exact manual for this u160 model. The ma300 is a high quality, tough biometric fingerprint solution. Because of the common development platform, existing customers will be able to use iclock700 and coexist with any existing zk readers without reenrolling. Zkteco is a worldleading enterprise of time attendance, access control, security inspection, parking management, smart locks, and video surveillance solutions.
Reloj checador zksoftware baby tac h3 menor precio. With a stainless steel body, the ma300 is rated as ip54 and is perfectly suited to outdoor. The system password can be modified through the access control software. Zksoftware u160 fingerprint time attendance rfid card reader. General where your school s basic information is entered name, address, tax rate, etc. Ppt quality manual powerpoint presentation free to.
All data sheet software case study video solution guideline biometrics technology introduction user manual installation guide quick use guide sdk brand documents others catalog online training. Wiegand inout to connect with external reader or controller. If it prompts succeed in connecting with device, the connection is done. For details, see the access control software user manual.
If it prompts failed in connecting with device, return to the step 2 to check the settings and connect again. Iclock700 features zks high performance, high image quality optical fingerprint sensor. The information is strictly for the internal use of clients of focus school software, including their administrators, staff, teachers, students, and parents. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. View and download zksoftware sc 103 user manual online. The patented optical sensor is resistant to scratches, impact, vibration and electrostatic shock. The zkteco ma300 is a biometric access control terminal with an integrated proximity reader em. This system is a very simple, accurate and cost effective way of controlling and recording access. These manuals cannot to be reprinted, duplicated, sold, or distributed to anyone outside the school or school district without the express written consent of focus school software llc. Ma300 is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for access control applications, offering unparalleled performance using an advanced algorithm for reliability, precision and excellent matching speed. Cpmpany introduction product zksoftware catalogue zkaccess. Relevant documents for zkbiosecurity access management special system. With a stainless steel body, the ma300 is rated as ip54 and is perfectly suited to outdoor installation. For information regarding actual installation, refer to the a5a8t5u160 installation guide. Ip65 rated builtin serial and ethernet ports sensor builtin wiegand inputoutput ports less than 1 second user recognition stores 1500 templates and 30,000 transactions builtin usb port allows for manual data transfer.
Zkteco usa access control, biometrics, entrance control. Security solutions company the advanced biometric solution 3000 fingerprint templates 1 00 000 transactions tcpip comunications 3. Stanley security solutions company the advanced biometric. Incorporates high precision zk sensor for registering 10. Biometric fingerprint reader for access control applications. Figure a1 a core point is defined as the topmost point on the innermost upward recurring ridge line. View and download zkteco ma 300 installation manual online.
It offer unparalleled performance using the state of the art proximity reader and embedded linux platform. Zksoftware is the industry leader in research, development, and manufacture of quality multibiometric and rfid readers for 27years. For nearly three decades since, weve worked to share this highly developed biometric technology to benefit others. Standalone and network fingerprint access control terminal, quickly and accurately read the fingerprint data, high image quality optical fingerprint reader can be installed independently, can also be combined with the use of the control panel wiegand 26 protocol, performance is quite stable. This id number is used to call up the fingerprint template from the a5a8t5u160 database.
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